
> Morao
  • Setifikeiti sa "Made in Zhejiang" ka Aug

  • Sebopeho se tloaelehileng sa "Zhejiang Manufacturing" ka Aug

  • Morero oa pele (o behiloeng) profinseng ka Mphalane

  • Nts'etsopele ea mantlha ea theknoloji le ts'ebeliso ea indasteri ea tlhahiso ea likhalase-ceramics tse se nang tikoloho ka Mphalane

  • December KANGER e ile ea amoheloa e le "Zhejiang Famous Brand Product"

  • December Zhejiang Saense le Theknoloji Tsoelopele Moputso oa Bobeli

  • Etsa QB-T4831& QB-T4834 ka Phupu

  • Mokhahlelo oa bobeli oa likhoebo tse hloekileng tsa tlhahiso e Zhejiang ka Loetse

  • E sebelisana le AIR PRODUCTS, e thehile sistimi ea tlhahiso ea oksijene ka 2015

  • Fumana lets'oao le tsebahalang la KANGER ka Hlakola.2014

  • Etsa QB-T4687 ka Phupu

  • Serapa sa 4 sa indasteri sa KANGER se kentsoe tšebetsong

  • Mokete oa lilemo tse mashome a mabeli ka Phupu,2012

  • Ka Pherekhong 2008, China Glass-ceramic Industry Association e thehiloe
  • Ka Pherekhong 2008, Kanger o ile a khethoa e le molula-setulo oa mokhatlo oa China Glass-ceramic Industry Association
  • Ka February 2008, Kanger No. 4 Industrial Park e ne e lokiselitsoe ho hahuoa
  • Ka Phuptjane 2007, ho ile ha theha Setsi sa R&D sa theknoloji e phahameng ea Zhejiang "Kanger Glass-ceramic Material".
  • Ka Mphalane 2007, theha khoebo e kopaneng ea khalase-ceramic hammoho le molekane oa Jeremane
  • Ka Tšitoe 2007, e ne e thathamisitsoe ho likarolo tsa China tsa ""National Torch Plan".
  • Ka May 2006, e hapile sehlooho sa China "Quality and Credit Guarantee Model Unit"
  • Ka May 2006, e hapile sehlooho sa China "Quality and Credit Guarantee Model Unit"
  • Ka Loetse, Awarder TOP 100 Taxpayer in China Plastic Prodcut Industry
  • Ka December 2006, e ile ea nkoa e le "Zhejiang Famous-brand Product" Profinseng ea Zhejiang.
  • Ka Hlakubele 2004, e ile ea tsetela ho Jinqiao Paper Co., Ltd.
  • Ka Phuptjane 2004, e ile ea theha Univesithi ea Zhejiang • Kanger Glass-ceramic R&D Pilot Plant Plant hammoho le Univesithi ea Zhejiang.
  • Ka July 2004, Kanger No. 3 Industrial Park e ile ea kenngoa tlhahiso
  • Ka March 2003, Kanger No. 2 Industrial Park e ile ea kenngoa tlhahiso
  • Ka Phato 2002, khalase-ceramic e hapile sehlooho sa "China National Key New Product"
  • Ka Phato 2000, o ile a fumana Wenzhou Glass Factory
  • Tlhahiso ea khalase-ceramic ka 1999

  • Ka September 1998, Kanger Glass-ceramic Project e ile ea kenngoa tlhahisong
  • Ka May 1995, mekhatlo ea thekiso ea mose ho maoatle e ile ea qala ho thehoa
  • Ka June 1993, Kanger No. 1 Industrial Park e ile ea kenngoa tlhahiso
  • Ka July 1992, Kanger e thehiloe